water and marketplace

Web sites for business :
Public Market
SIMAP : Information System for Public Market
Centre Français du Commerce Extérieur
Invitation to tender Japan (JETRO)
Invitation to tender Australia
Government Electronic Marketplace Service. Also, see to "Overseas Procurement Opportunities"
The Import-Export Bulletin Board Offers to buy, Offers to sell
Invitation to tender (CBD)
Market export (STAT-USA) Department of Commerce
Invitation to tender South America Inter American Development Bank (IDB
The Netsource TradeCenter Asia
Invitation to tender Hong Kong zone
Public Invitation to tender China
Commercial notices Japan
Business advisability India
Invitation to tender GATT (EPIN)
EPIN (European Procurement Information Network)
Invitation to tender Tunisia
Investments in Argentina
Canadian international business (ministry of)
API -TED:Tenders Electronic Daily and BRE (Bureau de Rapprochement des Entreprises
Import/export (TradeNet)
The Business Page
Globes : israeli economic newspaper
Chinese Business Network, import/export
Bartering site (BarterNet)
International business (tradenet) (World Trade Leads)
International business forum (Tradeport) California, Aera Bay
Business Sites B to B (The Business Page - International)
(IPAnet) -World bank-