Press releases
05/19/98 New contract for Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux in Bucharest
Lyonnaise des Eaux has just been selected for the final negotiation of a contract bearing on building and operating a major water treatment plant in Bucharest (capital of Romania, population 2.3 million). The project is aimed at making water distribution to 40% of the town's population (i.e. one million people) more reliable, while ensuring a permanent drinking water supply.
The 25-year contract, a Build Operate Transfer (B.O.T.) type contract, is the first experience in delegated water management in Romania and will call for an investment of more than 350 million French francs. The consortium that was selected includes Lyonnaise des Eaux (51%) and Degrémont (49%). The town of Bucharest will have a 49% holding in the structure in charge of operation and maintenance of the facilities.
The call for tenders succeeded over French and Anglo-Saxon competitors. The selection was made by the Bucharest Water Authority.
As regards Central Europe, Lyonnaise des Eaux, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux' Water division's trademark already operates in water and sanitation in Germany in Rostock, Goslar and Potsdam, in the Czech Republic in Brno, Ostrava and Karlovy-Vary, and in Hungary in Budapest, Pecs and Kaposvar. Lyonnaise des Eaux serves a population of 3.4 million in the region. Its current contracts worldwide make it the world's leading water management company providing more than 72 million people with water.