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Press releases, Story date: Thursday, July 01 1999
Kemwater sells Enviroliming department to Partek Nordkalk

To further strengthen its market position in the liming of lakes Partek Nordkalk AB has bought the liming concept Enviroliming from Kemira Kemwater. This concept is applied for the liming of acidified watercourses.

With different lime based applications it is possible both to prevent and to solve environmental problems. The liming of lakes contributes to keeping acidified water ecosystems alive. Partek Nordkalk is a forerunner in the field of lake-liming through different spreading techniques by both helicopter and boat.

The Kemwater liming concept has for more than 20 years proven its high efficiency and reliability in operation. A major advantage with this concept is the minimum maintenance required, as is the fact that the liming stations are self-supporting of energy. The Kemwater solar and wind power techniques are well-known and market leading since almost 10 years.

Kemwater is a strategic business unit of Kemira Chemicals Oy, which belongs to the Finnish Kemira Group. Kemwater has production facilities and sales offices in almost 30 countries, and has its head offices at Kemira Kemi AB in Helsingborg, Sweden. Kemwater is the world’s leading manufacturer of inorganic products for water treatment and the number of employees is 750. The turnover in 1998 was 1.2 billion SEK (137 MEUR).

Partek Nordkalk is the Baltic leading manufacturer of high-class products on lime base for use among other in both the steel and the pulp and paper industry, as well as for environmental and agricultural purposes. The trademark of the products is Nordkalk. The turnover of Partek Nordkalk is 1.1 billion FIM (185 MEUR) and the number of employees is 1000. The company has business operations in more than 30 places in Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Poland.

For further information please contact:
Kemira Kemwater, Helsingborg
Mr. Per Andersson, Vice President, BU Sweden
Phone +46 708 171760

Other contact persons:
Charlotte Mönnich Jung, Kemira Kemi AB, Kemwater

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