Researchers help bring clean water to households in developing nations
Selon une étude menée dans l'Etat mexicain de Guerrero, l'utilisation d'un purificateur d'eau aux rayons ultra-violets permet de fournir dix litres d'eau potable par jour et par habitant pour moins de 2 dollars par an.
By Sarah Yang, Media Relations
Go to Berkeley - University of Califormia
Researchers help bring clean water to households in developing nations
BERKELEY – 02 June 2003 -
Throughout some regions of
Mexico, the distribution of clean water is so variable that highly
chlorinated water may reach some homes while others receive water
contaminated with disease-causing pathogens.
Florentino Mota, a community outreach worker in Mexico, installs a UV Tube developed by UC Berkeley researchers... (Laura McLaughlin photo)
L'eau à décontaminer est pompée et passe sous une lampe dont les rayons dénaturent l'ADN des pathogènes nocifs pour la santé. "La lampe est la pièce avec la plus courte durée de vie, et elle peut fonctionner 10 000 heures d'affilée"...
Les coûts de 1,50 dollars américains par an sont essentiellement liés à l'énergie nécessaire pour pomper l'eau.
D'après une information du site canadien Cybersciences (18/02/2004)
Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, are
offering a solution with a water disinfection system affordable
enough for an individual household in a developing nation. Starting
in July, researchers from the Mexican Institute of Water Technology
will start a six-month pilot project using the UC Berkeley-designed
UV Tube, a treatment system that uses ultraviolet light to disinfect
the water.
"One big issue for rural areas in Mexico has to do with a lack of
a reliable infrastructure for delivering drinking water," said
Arturo González Herrera, the project coordinator at the Mexican
Institute of Water Technology. "We want to know if the people find
the UV Tube easy to use and prefer it to buying bottled water. If
so, the UV Tube could save them money."
According to the World Health Organization, as many as 5 million
people die every year from ingesting water contaminated with
bacterial and viral pathogens. Most of the victims come from
developing countries, and a majority are young children.
The UV Tube will be tested in five to 10 households in Jiutepac,
about 50 miles south of Mexico. The UC Berkeley researchers have
refined the UV Tube based upon previous tests in homes in Mexico,
where they compared the levels of bacteria before and after
treatment. Laboratory tests have already confirmed that the design
is effective in disinfecting water flowing at a rate of five liters
per minute. This year's pilot project will focus on whether the UV
Tube continues to operate effectively in real-use conditions and
whether residents find the UV Tube easy to use.
"We use materials that are readily available in local hardware
stores to keep the costs down," said Alicia Cohn, who recently
received her master's degree from UC Berkeley in civil and
environmental engineering and is one of the lead researchers on the
project. "PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is carried by stores in even
small cities, and UV bulbs and stainless steel liners are available
in mid-sized cities."
Cohn, who also earned her master's degree in energy and resources
at UC Berkeley, said that once the materials are assembled, it takes
only a few hours to put the UV Tube together.
The low-cost, point-of-use device consists of a PVC tube lined
with stainless steel. Water passes through a tube that is 65
centimeters long and four inches in diameter. Inside the tube, the
wavelength emitted by the UV bulb damages the DNA of bacteria,
viruses and protozoa, inactivating the pathogens by preventing them
from replicating. The average dose of 956 joules per square meter is
more than twice as strong as required by the U.S. National
Sanitation Foundation for microbiological treatment systems, capable
of inactivating the polio virus, hepatitis A virus and rotavirus, as
well as disease-causing bacteria such as Vibrio cholera and
"The problem of intermittent contamination of drinking water is
pervasive throughout Mexico and many developing countries, even in
urban areas" said Kara Nelson, assistant professor of civil and
environmental engineering at UC Berkeley and the main technical
advisor for the project. "There is no single technology that will
meet the needs of the more than one billion people without access to
safe water. Rather, we need a wide range of technologies that are
appropriate for each situation. We believe the UV Tube will make
sense for many people. Our plan is to eventually make the design
specifications available free for anyone who wants to build it."
The UV Tube design was developed at the Renewable and Appropriate
Energy Laboratory run by Daniel Kammen, professor at UC Berkeley's
Energy and Resources Group, Goldman School of Public Policy and
Department of Nuclear Engineering.
Other tube designs, such as those built from pottery or concrete,
are also being considered. However, more testing needs to be
completed in the lab before the UC Berkeley researchers are ready to
start field trials.
The UC Berkeley researchers were inspired by a similar water
disinfection system designed by Ashok Gadgil, a senior scientist at
the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Gadgil, an Indian-born
scientist who was troubled by outbreaks of cholera in southeastern
India, developed a system called UV Waterworks, now sold by Water
Health International.
"The general idea of using UV light in a tube to kill pathogens
has been around since the 1970s, but Ashok really pioneered the use
of the technology for low-cost applications in developing
countries," said Kammen.
Lloyd Connelly, a scientist who worked with Gadgil on the UV
Waterworks project, saw the need for a cheaper alternative.
Connelly, now a medical student at UC Davis, came up with the idea
of developing the UV Tube while he was a post-doctoral researcher in
Kammen's lab.
The researchers say the UV Waterworks and UV Tube systems meet
different needs. UV Waterworks is a manufactured unit to be
purchased, with a price tag ranging from $300 to $1,500. While the
system is ideal for small communities or disaster-relief
encampments, the cost puts the unit out of reach for individual
families in developing nations, according to the UC Berkeley
The UV Tube, in contrast, is designed to be built by local people
from local materials, the researchers say. "This is an example of
how simpler technology can be more appropriate," said Kammen. "It
involves electricity and a light bulb, but it's not a snazzy gizmo
The UC Berkeley researchers estimate that the final cost of the
unit will be between $30 to $50. In addition, the understanding of
how the system works is local, making maintenance and repair of the
UV Tube more practical.
"We're looking to provide a range of tubes that can be used
depending upon what is more convenient and appropriate for the local
community," said Kammen. "Although individual families could build
their own, what will probably end up happening is a local
entrepreneur will develop a small business by selling units to
families in the area."
Other UC Berkeley researchers on this project include Sarah
Brownell, a PhD student in civil and environmental engineering, and
Rachel Peletz, an undergraduate in environmental engineering
The research is partly supported by grants from the World Bank,
the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance and the
San Francisco-based Energy Foundation.