February 20, 2004
GVRD residents may qualify for a new Conservation Challenge $50 incentive when replacing a
13-L or 20-L flush toilet with a pre-approved ultra-low flow model.
“This initiative is one of the key elements of the GVRD/Power Smart Conservation Challenge now
underway in the region,” said GVRD Planning and Environment Committee Chair Barbara Sharp.
“Ultimately, we would like to see a five per cent reduction in water demand.”
The average resident uses about 325 L of water every day, so the challenge calls for a
16-L reduction in that demand. “It’s not about doing without the water we need,” said Sharp, “it’s about
using water more efficiently.”
Replacing an old toilet is a great place to start saving, given that flushing represents about 1/3 of the water
used inside the home. The 6-L flush toilet models recommended for the Conservation Challenge incentive
have been tested and proven to do as good a job as the standard 13-L or 20-L flush models.
Based on five flushes per person per day, an ultra low-flow toilet will save up to 70 litres of water every
day for each person in your home.
The Conservation Challenge began last October when BC Hydro and the GVRD asked residents to take
specific actions relating to energy and water efficiency, and the protection of air quality.
As of the end of January, 325,000 households have participated in the Power Smart Compact Fluorescent
Light bulbs give- away, which represents almost 90 per cent of BC Hydro’s target of 365,000. In addition,
GVRD households have stepped-up to the challenge by reaching the target of turning in 8,000 second
operating fridges for recycling.
The Conservation Challenge runs until March 31, 2004. The toilet replacement rebates are in limited supply
and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis to residents who qualify for the incentive. Further
details about the challenge and the rebate program are available at: www.conservationchallenge.com
For information:
Sheila Gardner-Grant
Media Relations