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A propos de la journée mondiale de l'eau
Journée Mondiale de l'Eau 2012
A propos de la journée mondiale de l'eau, About World Water Day, voir ci-dessous
Campaign Materials, voir sur le site officiel
Worldwide Events, voir sur le site officiel
Journée Mondiale de l'Eau 2011
Capetown Main Event
The African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) is pleased to join UN-HABITAT and UN-Water in co-organizing World Water Day (WWD) 2011. The global observance of WWD 2011, to be hosted by the Government of South Africa in Cape Town with the theme Water and Urbanization, provides a good opportunity to discuss a range of options for tackling urban water and sanitation challenges facing the African continent. World Water Day 2011 will take place from 20 - 22nd March 2011 at the Cape Town International Conference Center. On 20 and 21st March 2011 many organisations will have parallel and side events. On World Water Day, 22nd March a plenary program will be organised with presentations, debate and culture.
The global celebrations of World Water Day 2011 (WWD 2011) provide a good opportunity to alert the world to the adverse global situation in urban water management, and to encourage seizing opportunities to address these formidable challenges. Through disseminating knowledge of successful approaches, it also seeks to give hope that solutions can be found. A principle objective of WWD 2011 is to celebrate success and better educate decision-makers, sector stakeholders and the world population about solutions.
Site officiel des Nations-Unies Cliquer sur ce lien pour rejoindre le site
L'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies a adopté le 22 décembre 1992 la résolution A/RES/47/193 qui déclara le 22 mars de chaque année "Journée mondiale de l'eau", à compter de l'année 1993, conformément aux recommandations de la Conférence des Nations Unies sur l'environnement et le développement (CNUED), exprimées dans le Chapitre 18 (Ressources en eau douce) d'Action 21. Cette résolution invitait les États à consacrer ce jour selon le contexte national, en concrétisant des actions telles que la sensibilisation du public par des publications, des diffusions de documentaires, l'organisation de conférences, de tables rondes, de séminaires et d'expositions liés à la conservation et au développement des ressources en eau et à la mise en œuvre des recommandations d'Action 21.
Rejoindre le site Agenda 21 Développement durable de l'organisation des Nations Unies
Liens vers les sites de l'Unesco qui traitent des questions relatives à l'eau :
- Portail Eau
- Programme hydrologique international (PHI), programme intergouvernemental de coopération scientifique de l'UNESCO concernant les ressources en eau, c'est pour les Etats membres un instrument qui leur permet d'améliorer leur connaissance du cycle de l'eau et par là même de mieux gérer et mettre en valeur leurs ressources en eau.
- Programme mondial pour l'évaluation des ressources en eau [WWAP] - une initiative de l'ensemble du système des Nations Unies - il vise à développer les outils et les compétences nécessaires à une meilleure compréhension des processus fondamentaux, des pratiques de gestion et des politiques qui contribueront à améliorer l'approvisionnement de la planète en eau douce et sa qualité.
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United Nations |

General Assembly
22 December 1992
93rd plenary meeting
22 December 1992
Observance of World Day for Water
The General Assembly,
Recalling the relevant provisions of chapter 18 of Agenda 21, adopted by
the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development,
Considering that the extent to which water resource development
contributes to economic productivity and social well-being is not widely
appreciated, although all social and economic activities rely heavily on the
supply and quality of fresh water,
Considering also that, as populations and economic activities grow, many
countries are rapidly reaching conditions of water scarcity or facing limits
to economic development,
Considering further that the promotion of water conservation and
sustainable management requires public awareness at local, national, regional
and international levels,
1. Decides to declare 22 March of each year World Day for Water, to be
observed starting in 1993, in conformity with the recommendations of the
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development contained in chapter
18 of Agenda 21;
2. Invites States to devote the Day, as appropriate in the national
context, to concrete activities such as the promotion of public awareness
through the publication and diffusion of documentaries and the organization of
conferences, round tables, seminars and expositions related to the
conservation and development of water resources and the implementation of the
recommendations of Agenda 21;
3. Invites the Secretary-General to make recommendations on ways and
means by which the United Nations Secretariat could, within existing resources
and without prejudice to ongoing activities, assist countries in organizing
their national activities for the observance of World Day for Water;
4. Requests the Secretary-General to make the necessary arrangements
in order to ensure the success of the observance of World Day for Water by the
United Nations;
5. Also requests the Secretary-General to focus observance of World
Day for Water by the United Nations on a particular theme relating to the
conservation of water resources;
6. Recommends that the Commission on Sustainable Development, in the
execution of its mandate, attach priority to the implementation of chapter 18
of Agenda 21.
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